
Although, behavior looks different in each child, there are two common denominators. First, most behavior is learned. We typically reteach behavior expectations and follow up with choices and privileges for those who meet them. We also have different behavior tiers that come with various levels of supports. Second, and probably most importantly, we know that every behavior serves a function. Below, are the functions and when or why you might see that behavior is listed. Our best defense against behaviors that are perceived to be negative is a relationship with the child. When we form a relationship first, we can begin to understand what function the behavior is serving for the student, and figure out ways to replace that with a more favorable behavior.

Some behaviors and functions have quick fixes. If we take the time for a simple re-teaching moment and some practice, the student will be well on their way to successfully meeting our school's expectations. Some students take more time, but I believe that every student is worth every minute spent and intervention tried, and that each student is capable of meeting the high expectations that our school sets for our students. It is important to remember, and remind kids often, that they are not a bad person, they just made a bad choice. Choices can be changed, and they have the power to do that! Possible interventions may include:

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